Sunday, August 7, 2011


be-lated post but happy graduation to us!!!! Cheers to the day we never thought would never arrive and to the best I mean worst 2 years of our lives. glad we were all in it together!

so long SUU Nursing, thanks for the memories. It's starting to feel weird and kinda sad that we won't all be returning to school together in the fall and re-uniting in the dungeon. Cheers to job hunting instead : )

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

So, I have never used blogspot or blogged or anything. Thus, we will see how this goes.

Also, so the beginning of this semester, I will share a funny story. School started and I have been sick - a cold, cough, congestion, etc. Well, I was taking Nyquil so that I could sleep through the night. I took it Monday night and slept swell. So Tuesday night I grab the bottle, hoping for another sleepful night. As with most liquid medications, I begin to shake the bottle (it didn't say "Shake Well" but I assumed....). Well, guess what? I forgot the night before in my sickly state to close the bottle cap on tight. So I start to shake it and medicine goes everywhere. This is red cherry liquid all over. I mean it is on me and on one wall and the opposite wall. It hits my.... cabinet thing and starts running down the side, puddling onto the carpet. It lands on papers on the floor. So instead of white, they are now speckled pink! Oh man. So I take my dose. And as I am getting groggy, I start to clean up the mess. Lets just say, I still am finding pink drops on my walls, on the light switch, etc! Lol. So much for being sick and taking medicine ;) Lol. No alls well that ends well. And it did end well, I got a good night's rest!
It is now a month plus later and I still see evidence of red sticky stuff on my belongings. Ugh.

Oh and Congrats to Jess! Because that is awesome!! :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Congratulations Jessica!

Jessica Hall became Jessica Christensen on Friday January 28, 2011!! Congratulations Jess, you made a beautiful bride!!

Love you Jess!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

remember this day last semester?

All in a day at school...Kara taste like carrots, beta blockers, depends, viagra, Selly how about that licking?, vasodialation actually constricts pupils, full page power points, broken flip flops, pictures, more pictures, oozing Aja, Brittanys hair color, handy man not handsome man, not enough sugar, tooooo much sugar, lots of (diet) coke, testing w/o grading,loud laughter=no boyfriend, point and shoot, point and not shoot, hoisting Brittany, I CAN FEEL THE BURN, nursing school ruins relationships, triple DB, I WEAR DE...hey Tim...babe???, well Jess I gotta go back to work now, Jess???, breaking enteric coating pills?, cruel and unusual punishment, ch...eaters?, code blue in room 135, I X it by 10, PMS.
WHEW!! and the sad thing is there was more...


hola class!!
some of us have been talking about having a blog for a while now to capture and remember our hiliarious moments we have as a class, share pictures, and also be able to keep in touch when we graduate in about 4 months! so post as you wish, change settings etc...and happy blogging.